Thursday, August 1, 2013

Take your seats. School is back in session

I'm Baaaaaaaack!

I haven't posted a blog on here in over a year, and I admit I'd sort of forgotten I even still had a blog, but I do have one, and I'm back now to start posting again. Welcome back to me :) And thank you if you're reading along. I'm not going to fill you in on everything that's happened over the last year or so, but events from the past several months have gotten me motivated to make some changes, both big and small, in my life.

Earlier this year, I lost my aunt to cancer. It sucked. That's really all that can be said to that. But, in the moment it really made me start to re-evaluate where I'm at in my life, where I'm going and what I'm doing to make the best of each day. I started with my health, and after a sobering look at the bathroom scale (along with a look in the mirror) the first changes began with my weight and diet. I started keeping track of what I'm eating each day, and making healthy choices to get better overall nutrition. Craig and I have both made the commitment that we will spend a little more on healthier food options, as we'd rather spend a few extra dollars there than lots of dollars in healthcare bills.

Along with my weight, I've started exercising, and I'm up to a schedule of six days a week. I've started setting goals for myself, and I'm happy to say that I'm working toward them. I am registering to run the Des Moines 1/2 marathon this year and started my official training schedule this week. My 5K times are consistently finishing under 30 minutes, so the pace alone is exciting for me. And, to combat my backsliding from before, I've set goals past the 1/2 marathon to keep me going. My plans are to run a Rock and Roll Half Marathon with my good friend JT in March 2014, and, the big goal for next year: I'm going to run the full marathon! I've been tossing the idea around for a while thinking I wanted to try it, and I feel that turning 35 makes it the perfect time to go for it! I'll keep you posted through here on my progress.

I also have to share now that at this time, I've lost a total of 29.5 pounds since I started keeping track of them! I have several more to go, but it's definitely a start in the right direction. Including this with my running goals has been a good way to keep me on track too.

Earlier this summer, I started to look at other aspects outside of my life, outside of my physical health. I've always been a fairly positive guy, but I've just felt lately like I was a bit off from my normal self. No one element could really be pinpointed, but I knew I needed to fix it. I started out by reading the book "The Happiness Project," by Gretchen Rubin. I'd seen positive reviews of it on line and actually bought it for Craig to read. I ended up reading it first though, and I gained a lot of insight from it. So much so that I've decided to embark on my own happiness project.

In the book, the author begins her project at the first of the year as a good way to start keeping resolutions. She set a list of ground rules for herself, and she wanted to explore if she could be a happier person, control the elements of her life to make her happiness increase, and to study happiness in general. She looked at the elements of her life that she wanted to focus on, and set concrete, realistic goals for each month. She was also motivated by keeping a chart and tracking her progress, so all of her goals were track-able throughout the year.

With this in mind, I decided I could make my own happiness project and find things I could focus on to track and improve throughout a year in my life. I knew that I wouldn't want to wait until January to get started, so I looked at my calendar and tried to decide when might be a good time to get started. I've always enjoyed following the school calendar for some strange reason, so I decided to use that as my guide. Once I got that idea, I ran with it. I decided for my focus each month, I would "take a class." I looked at the areas of my life that I wanted to focus on , and each could be connected to a class I could take, so those became my guides. I've determined four to five "assignments" (goals) to accomplish each month, and to keep track of my progress I'm going to have a "report card." Maybe it's a cheesy plan, but to me it works and I'm excited about it! I'll be keeping track of my progress through my blog here as well, in the hope that by sharing my updates I can inspire others and be inspired by you!

Following the example set by Gretchen in her book, my first month will focus on organization and de-cluttering in my life. Craig and I have lived in our new house for about a year and a half now, and we're still not fully unpacked and settled. Since I feel happiness begins at home, this seemed like the perfect place to start for me. So, my first "class" will be Home Ec. I'm starting at home and taking care of things here. My assignments this month are as follows:
1. Organize closets. This includes going through clothes and dresser drawers.
2. Put together a desk for a home office space
3. Build shelves in the basement to store extra kitchen supplies
4. Put together a comprehensive family planner/calendar

I thought I had all of my assignments in place, but then I found out I needed to add an additional assignment to this month's list. Which brings me to the other change in my life. If you know me even a smidgen, you probably know that helping others really motivates and inspires me. I've volunteered throughout my life in various areas and I'm always happy to pitch in for a cause. I've been working for an insurance company for the past five years, and while I've had a good experience and I've gained a lot of knowledge, I've often felt like my talents for helping others weren't being utilized to their potential. With the other changes I've been making, and the reflection I've had on my life, I've said that if something were to come along that would give me this opportunity that I'd need to pursue it. As it happens, this very opportunity has presented itself.

I am very proud to say that I have been offered, and I've accepted, a position as an administrative assistant at Youth Emergency Services and Shelter. I am absolutely over the moon with happiness at this opportunity! I will be working for a non-profit organization (a goal I've had for many years now) with a focus on helping children and families in crisis. I will be providing support behind the scenes to help the staff make the great impact they are already doing, and will hopefully be there as they continue to grow and thrive in their efforts. So, with this position, I also need to organize and clean out my current work desk. I'm fine with adding that to my assignments for the month. :)

I feel like you're caught up now with where I'm at and where I hope to go in the future. I hope that you will join me as I continue through this project. I'm fine with going it alone, but I feel that everything is accomplished in greater amounts when others are helping and being involved. I look forward to keeping you updated on my progress!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What I'm Listening to Wednesday (January 25, 2012)

It’s Wednesday!  I forgot last week to post a What I’m Listening To Wednesday post for last week, so I apologize for that. I’ve been preoccupied with other activities here lately and my blog is suffering.  I’m going to work on getting better with that. 

Here are the songs I’m listening to this week.

1.       Turn Me On- Nicki Minaj/David Guetta.  I’m a fan of Nicki Minaj, and I’m a fan of David Guetta. So it makes perfect sense that I would be a fan of this song, which is true.  I have recently started working out again, and I’ve joined Planet Fitness. I’m feeling really happy there and I can just plug in to my music and get going on the treadmill. Last night, this song came on and it really got me going. It’s a song where Nicki does more singing than rapping, so you get to hear more of her talent and versatility as a performer. If you’re looking for a song with a good steady up-tempo beat, check this one out.

2.       Aretha- Rumer.  My latest discovery/obsession is Rumer. She’s an artist out of Britain who just released her album in the US yesterday. I discovered her through Spotify based on the description that she sounded like a cross between Carole King and Karen Carpenter.  I have been saying on numerous occasions that we don’t have a modern day singer who sounds like Karen Carpenter, which I think is a tragedy.  Rumer may be the closest I have heard to a match. The comparisons to Karen and Carole are definitely present in listening to the music, but at the same time she has her own unique tone which is really nice. The song “Aretha” talks about Rumer as a child going to school and listening to Aretha Franklin on her headphones. I like to listen to the song on my headphones, or in my car, or through my laptop…. You get the idea. 

3.       Tough- Kellie Pickler.  I’ve been a Kellie fan for years, ever since she first appeared in season 5 of American Idol. I know on the show she came across as being the “dumb blonde” and playing it to full effect. In all likelihood she was probably not that naïve, but it never bothered me either way. I’ve always thought she was a natural country singer and I’m glad to see she’s made a career for herself. She just released her third album, 100 proof, and it’s getting great reviews. “Tough” is the first single and a bit of a girl power anthem. I think it’s a great showcase for Kellie and her voice and I hope it continues to do well. Give her a chance if you haven’t yet considered. I think you’ll enjoy what you hear.

4.       Get on Your Feet- Gloria Estefan. What an excellent blast from my younger days! This song was recently used for Leslie Knope’s entrance theme on Parks and Recreation.  It was hilariously used in the segment, and it reminded me of how happy this song always makes me feel.  I was so inspired by this song, It’s now the name of my Live Healthy Iowa team!  Listen to it and try to sit still. I know you’ll struggle at best, as it just makes you want to move. Definitely a classic in my mind.

5.       Promises, Promises: Naked Eyes. Talk about another random blast from the past. I was sitting at my desk this morning and this song popped into my head. I haven’t heard it in a while and have no idea what caused me to think of it, but now I can’t stop singing it! I’ll be digging this one up in my I-tunes soon. If you’ve been missing the 80’s, maybe this would be a nice reminder for you.

So that’s the random mix in my head at the moment. I hope something strikes your interest as well. And I promise I’m going to get another blog post up this week, not related to what I’m listening to at the moment. Keep your eyes posted!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Getting Creative

I haven't been posting much on my blog in the past several weeks, but I have some good reasons for part of my absence.  I decided this year for Christmas I wanted to be both economical and creative. I managed to get creative and made several of the gifts I gave this year. I'm very proud of them, but they did take some time that might otherwise have gone into writing.

Once the creativity got started, I haven't been able to stop! I have so many ideas and inspirations in my head, and it's actually helped me create one of my New year resolutions, which is to be more creative and crafty. I've found that it's a great stress reliever for me and I enjoy giving gifts to people knowing I've put time and effort into them. 

I also wanted to share some of my creations with you, so here are some pictures, and descriptions.

The first gift I made was an afghan. I have made several of these in the past, and the chevron pattern is my typical. I've gotten the idea to branch out to some other options though, so I'm excited to see what I come up with. Here is the completed blanket I made for our annual friend group Christmas swap.

Another project I put together was a daily calendar. I made one of these calendars for my mom, my sister and my sister-in-law. Initially I had gotten the idea to make a creative daily journal. I expanded on the idea and made a daily "thanks" calendar. Each day the recipient can write something on the calendar that they were thankful for. I thought this was a great way to remember that there is always something to be thankful for, and I didn't put a year on the calendar, so it could be re-used year to year! Here are a few  pics of the calendars I made.

I have also made scarves to go along with the calendars. They don't really go together, but they were fun to make and quick. Here's a picture of one of the scarves. This is my mom's, and it's in light raspberry.

I also made a scarf for Craig. We went to see "Sherlock Holmes 2" over the holiday and I was inspired by the scarf worn by Jude Law. The scarf I made for Craig isn't a direct copy, but my own interpretation.

So now you can see that I've been a bit busy. :) I am currently working on another project, which I'll be finishing in a few days and giving as a gift. I'll take pictures though and eventually will get them posted. I'm pretty excited about it!  Hope everyone is having a good new year so far!

What I'm Listening to Wednesday (January 11, 2012)

Welcome to 2012!

It’s been a few weeks since I’ve posted, well, anything to my blog, and I’m trying to get back into the swing of things. With the holidays and the various projects I’ve been working on I haven’t been able to get a lot of coherent thoughts written down, but I’m finally starting to feel a bit balanced here and I’m ready to get some posts going. I actually have three or four different blog topics in mind, so I’ll do my best to get those posted in the next few days.  I wanted to first get back on schedule with “What I’m Listening to Wednesdays.”  I’ve got some random choices again this week, but I think you’ll find some songs to enjoy as the winter weather finally starts to arrive here in Iowa. Curl up with these and enjoy!

Holding Back the Years: Gretchen Parlato.  Gretchen Parlalto is a jazz vocalist who released one of the best Jazz vocalists albums of 2011, according to I-tunes anyway. I recently picked her disc up from the library, and I’m very glad that I was adventurous enough to do so.  Gretchen has a really beautiful voice, at times both sweet and soulful. This isn’t the kind of music that attacks your ears full on, but gently slides into your core until you’re swept up in the groove.  She’s great for relaxing nights at home, or for keeping me chill during my commute.

  I’d Rather Die Young: Beyonce’:  New mom Beyonce’ will likely not be putting out any new music for a while, so fans will have to be content with her release from this past year.  This is one of the songs on her latest disc that I keep coming back to whenever I’m in the mood for some Bey.  Every time I listen to this song I hear Prince, which is certainly a good thing in my book.  I think maybe it’s the use of guitar, but it’s certainly a song worth listening to and checking out if you enjoy some throwback to the 80’s R&B.

Young: Wiz Khalifa and Snoop Dogg:  At first glance this probably doesn’t seem like the type of song I’d choose to listen to, with a chorus basically calling out the joys of getting drunk and smoking herbal supplements, but I find this song to be really catchy! The chorus bounces along and gets stuck in my head, and it’s a feel-good song, whether you choose to partake or not.  It’s a good pairing of a fresh new artist with a seasoned performer also, and the two have put together an entire soundtrack album, so fans of hip-hop will surely want to check it out.

 Smoke and Mirrors: Jack and White:  For those of you remembering Brooke White from American Idol season 7, this is her latest project. No longer going the solo route, Brooke has joined up with Jack (and his last name escapes me at the moment) to form “Jack and White.”  They’re working on new music and released an EP in 2011 with some really great songs. The songs still feature Brooke’s beautiful voice and are worth adding to your playlist. I get a bit of a Fleetwood Mac vibe on this song as well, and you can never go wrong there.

 To Whom It May Concern: The Civil Wars.  The Civil Wars are another duo getting my attention these days. They’re music has been described as folk and Appalachian, but I would just call it great.  They released their album Barton Hollow to much acclaim and have been touring to support. They are getting ready to head overseas, so they’re gaining an international following too.  Recently, their song “To Whom It May Concern” was featured on “Parenthood,” and it fit perfectly into the storyline of a couple trying to reconnect.  I’m hoping the Civil Wars get back to the US for some summer touring, as I think they’d be perfect to see in an outdoor setting. 

So there are my picks for the week. A little bit of everything really. Hope you find something worth checking out!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

A change in perspective

The neurons in my brain have been firing at literally 100's of miles per hour this afternoon. (Ok, that's an exaggeration, but I have been about as excited as Lesley Knope when she comes up with a new project, so I figure it's a valid statement.)  I am feeling really inspired today and I wanted to blog about it.

The last few days I've felt a bit down, for no particular reason that I could determine. Maybe it's the sinus cold I'm battling, or maybe the downturn in the recent temperature. Whatever the reason, I just hadn't been feeling that optomistic, and I don't like getting into that funk.

Things started to take an uptick yesterday afternoon as I was getting ready to leave work. One of my co-workers made a comment that the sunset was really beautiful last night. As the days have gotten shorter, the sunset begins before I get out of the office. There is a window behind my desk, and I look out that window several times a day. Last night, I glanced out the window, and I was inspired! The sunset truly was beautiful, with shades of deep pink, orange and even some blue. Between the office and the sunset stands a grove of trees, and the contrast of the dark branches and the colorful sunset was really breathtaking.

As some of you may know, I like to crochet. My grandma patiently taught me how to crochet, and I've been doing so for several years. I've recently began picking it up again as I'm feeling creative and it's a good winter project. Looking at the sunset, I was inspired to search out these colors to make something with them. I haven't decided exactly what I'm going to make quite yet, but I'm excited about the prospect. And all of this because I looked out a window I walk by every day.

So this event got the ball rolling for me, and then today happened.  I was first inspired at our monthly staff meeting. Our company has a president who doesn't live in Des Moines, so he only gets back to visit every month or so. When he is in town he likes to stop by and visit. Today he was in town for our meeting, and he got up to talk about life and his take on things. Our president has shared in the past stories about his grandson. His grandson is autistic and isn't able to speak or communicate in a traditional way. They have made progress with him in the past few years, but at almost 12 he's still had to carry around a large book full of symbols in order to communicate his needs, etc.

Today our president shared an update on his grandson. A few months ago they purchased an I-pad for him, and for hundreds of hours his daughter programed symbols into the I-pad to help her son communicate. Our president shared that his grandson has been able to manuver the I-pad, and in a way it's really helped him to communicate faster. Our president was sharing that recently, he was at his daughter's having dinner with his grandson. Our president was talking with his daughter, and he made a comment that he might take his grandson to the car wash, as that's one of the activities he enjoys. They continued on with their conversation, when a few minutes later they heard a computerized voice come from the I-pad. "I'd like to go to the car wash, please." To think that in just a few months, an autistic boy who couldn't find a way to communicate without carrying around a heavy book full of symbols has found a breakthrough with the help of technology.

This really got me to thinking about what we take for granted and how grateful we really should be for what we have. How a little change in perspective can really change your whole outlook. My mood has been improving throughout the day after hearing this story. I realize that while things may get me down from time to time, there's always something to keep you in the right mindset and to motivate. It's amazing what a little change of perspective can do for your spirit!

As if that wasn't enough, this afternoon I received an e-mail from one of my favorite people in the world, my friend Kim Welch. Kim and I have been friends since we began college together fourteen years ago (crazy to believe it's been that many years!) and she has one of the brightest spirits of anyone I know. Kim is married to my favorite roommate of all time, Chris Welch. Chris and Kim make an amazing, dynamic duo of awesomeness and I'm so blessed to list them among my friends.

Not only are the Welch's great friends of mine, but they are also great parents. Chris and Kim have twins, Ezra and Ella. Ezra and Ella were born prematurely, but that hasn't stopped them in the slightest. Not only are they surviving, but they are thriving! I adore both of them and am always amazed to hear of their latest adventures.

Which brings me to the e-mail I received today. Kim had sent me an e-mail talking about picking up the kids from preschool, and seeing their latest art projects. This week the kids had made reindeer to hang on the wall. Kim sent the following picture along with her e-mail.

Now, looking at this picture you might laugh. I know at first I chuckled at the creativity that Ella displayed with her version of Rudolph. And then I read further. Kim said when she asked Ella why the reindeer's antlers were on the bottom of her artwork.  Ella giggled and said "Those are his feet, silly."

I was blown away by this story! I couldn't stop smiling, and I was reminded of how sometimes kids are the best example of what a small change in perspective can do. I'm so grateful to know I have these reminders in life. If you're ever feeling out of sorts or lost for a purpose, spend some time with a child. I guarantee you will receive some perspective on life and you'll have some fun too.

I hope this post gives you the small dose of perspective you may have needed today. Be inspired, create something amazing, or just do something good for someone else. Take the first step towards something great. And always remember that you always have something to be thankful for.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

What I'm Listening to Wednesday (December 7, 2011)

It's another Wednesday, and another blog post from me regarding the music filling my head as I type. My choices this week range from new and popular to gone but not forgotten choices, and a few in between. And I've added them to my spotify "What I'm Listening to Wednesday" playlist, so feel free to check them out.

1. Remember the Time- Michael Jackson.  Lately there have been a lot of shows that I watch covering some of the classic MJ songs. He's been covered on the Sing Off, the X-Factor and on Glee in the past few weeks, so it's been great to revisit some classics from the King of Pop. Sadly, none of these shows have taken on one of my very favorites, "Remember the Time." I still remember this video and could watch it any time. Plus I play this song on repeat regularly. I sometimes have to force myself to change the song, as this one will always be a classic for me.

2. Jingle Bells: Michael Buble' and the Puppini Sisters.  If you haven't heard the new Michael Buble' Christmas album yet you really need to stop what you're doing and check it out. This is some classic Christmas music right here, and it's certainly gotten me into the holiday spirit! Every song on this collection is excellent and sounds both current and timeless. I enjoy several of the songs, but I decided to call out "Jingle Bells" for it's spotlight not only on Michael Buble', but also on an under-appreciated trio called the Puppini Sisters. No, they aren't actually sisters, and their last name isn't Puppini, but that's not important. What is important is their sound. They are a trio of beautiful-voiced women who sing in a throwback style. They blend perfectly with Michael Buble' and deserve more recognition for their own albums. They have their own excellent Christmas album which is also worth a few listens.

3. You Da One: Rihanna. The latest release from Rihanna, "Talk that Talk," is another collection of great pop/R&B songs that showcase Rihanna's voice and that can get the party started too. The album mixes elements from her Good Girl Gone Bad and Rated R albums to great effect. "You Da One" is the first song on the disc and it's a sweet love song to "the one that I dream about all day" and it makes me smile, so that's why I'm including it on my list this week.

4. Dream On: Robyn.  Robyn is a really cool artist from the UK who's got a following in the US, but not enough in my opinion. She's an intellegent pop artist who sings amazing songs that make you both dance and think. She toured with Katy Perry this summer and she released an album called "Body Talk" which gained her a lot of critical acclaim. The song "Dream On" is actually on her 2008 release called "Robyn." I really enjoy the lyrics of the song. She's singing to the freaks, the junkies, the drunks and cowards, etc. She sings to "rest your weary head" and dream on. I like the message of peace that creates in my head.

5. Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow (2011): Amy Winehouse.  I started the list with a gone but not forgotten classic, and I end the list with another. The last album from Amy Winehouse was released yesterday, and includes a few alternate versions of songs from her Back in Black album as well as a few B-sides and non-released singles. The whole collection is beautiful, and the song that is really getting me right now is her cover of "Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow." Amy's talent was truly a gift, and it's still so tragic to think that this will be the last official collection of music from such a young soulful voice. You can hear the pain and anguish in her voice as she sings the chorus of the song. The answer of course is that Amy, we will still love you tomorrow, but we'll miss you terribly too.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

What I'm Listening to Wednesday (on Thursday!)

Well, this posting is a bit late, as I went to see Wicked last night and wasn’t able to type up a blog posting once I got home. So I’ll be telling you what I listened to on Wednesday on this Thursday, the first of December.  I’ve once again been listening to an eclectic mix of music, so hopefully one or more of these options will introduce you to something worth adding to your regular mix.

 Here are my choices this week:

1.       Fly- Nicki Minaj and Rihanna.  Nicki just received a Grammy nomination for Best New Artist, and listening to her it’s obvious that she’s made quite an impression on the hip-hop and music scenes.  Nicki is very vibrant, edgy and fun all mixed together.  With her latest single, she partners with Rihanna on a mid-tempo song that shows off more of her heart.  It’s a positive message song about going for your goals, and Rihanna’s soaring vocals on the chorus really compliment the melody and Nicki’s raps. Definitely a highlight from an album full of hits.

 2.       Countdown- Beyonce’.  I will admit that when Beyonce’ released her latest album, “4” I didn’t go quite as overboard as several of the critics claiming it was her best work yet.  However, over the past few months this album has really grown on me and I appreciate the artistic choices Beyonce’ has made as she continues to grow in her career. “Countdown” is one of my favorite songs on this album (after Love on Top, which I can play on repeat for days if I choose to) and the syncopated rhythms in this song get stuck in my head every time I hear it. Plus, the lyric “Me and my Boo and my boof-boof ridin’” is silly and also gets the repeat treatment in my mind.  If you ever catch me nodding my head randomly, it’s quite possible that I’m singing this in my head.

 3.       On the Street Where You Live- Willie Nelson.  On a recent trip to the library I picked up the soundtrack to the movie “Valentine’s Day.” The soundtrack is full of an eclectic mix of love songs, but original numbers and covers of classics.  One of my favorites is definitely the cover of “On the Street Where you Live,” which is famously known from the musical “My Fair Lady.”  Willie lends his unmistakable voice to this classic, and it’s a really lovely version of the song. I can be a sentimental fool when it comes to love songs, and this song just makes me happy. To hear someone sing that they are content just knowing they are on the same street where you live is a very nice sentiment in my book.

 4.       Defying Gravity- Idina Menzel.  Well, I told you I went to see Wicked last night, and this is my favorite song from the entire show. There are several stand-out numbers in the production, but this show stopper from the end of act one always gets me.  The lyrics and message are so powerful, and Idina’s voice is a classic. Putting the two elements together makes for one amazing experience. 

5.       Don’t Stop (Color the Walls) – Foster the People.  I know I posted a song by FTP a few weeks ago, but I can’t stop listening to this CD.  I’ve lately been listening to this track, and it also puts me into a good mood. The song is also used in a commercial, so I hear it on TV as well. I can’t remember the exact commercial at the time, but that isn’t important anyway.  I enjoy the rhythm of this song and the chorus is catchy and repetitive, which means it also gets stuck in your brain.  I wouldn’t be surprised if I eventually recommend every song on this disc, so keep that in mind. Or do yourself a favor and just get the disc now. It makes a great Christmas present!